Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas

The Christmas Star



Somewhere in time, a little more than 2,000 years ago, there was a star in the sky so bright that wise men followed it for months. What was this star?

I heard a theory that it wasn’t a star, but a group of planets that aligned to look like one bright star.  I would believe this since the wise men had to follow this star for quite a while, so watching planets move makes sense.

I also heard this theory doesn’t work because of the timing of when this happened.  This theorist said it must have been a supernova.  I can believe that as well. It is very bright and eventually burns out.

All of the theories are interesting – but God was proclaiming a miracle.  God was announcing His presence on earth.  Did he really need either of these events to make that announcement?

In the Bible there is a fish so large, it could swallow a man and keep him alive. There is hand, without a body, that wrote on a palace wall.  There is a donkey that spoke to a man.  Fishes, hands, donkeys are all natural things – but what they did was not natural, it was supernatural and God ordained.

My theory of that night is not based on science, astronomy or even theology.  My theory is based on a God so powerful, so magnificent that no natural event could proclaim His entrance to earth.

On the night that is the most important in history so far, I think God did something special  He sent a star that was never seen before, or will be again, to light the night sky.  He sent it to guide the wise men, to astound the shepherds and to light a small stable where a child was to be born.  This child would change the world forever. 

Blind eyes would see, lame would walk – the miraculous would be on earth for 33 years.  This event required a special sign, a special announcement.

Psalm 19King James Version (KJV)

19 The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork.

God used the star to guide people to Christ.  Today, you and I are the star to guide people to Christ.  Look up and marvel at the wonders of God and then look around and see who you can share God with.