Saturday, July 30, 2011

William Wilberforce

Welcome to my blog.  I am a rookie blogger, but I will do my best.  I named my blog “Somewhere in Time”.  There is will be my area to show case things that have happened somewhere in time, anywhere and anytime. 

I am starting with William Wilberforce.  William was an English politician who fought to end slavery in England. He was alive from 1759 – 1833.   He was a man that lived his faith with boldness.  This is something I truly admire.  He also never just sat back and waited for things to change, he became the catalyst that forced change to happen. 

If you haven’t seen the movie, “Amazing Grace” you should watch it.  It is one of my favorite movies.  It introduced me to William Wilberforce.  I had not run across his name in any of my history classes and that is too bad. 

I love a site called “Brainy Quote” from there and I pulled these two Wilberforce quotes. 

Let everyone regulate his conduct... by the golden rule of doing to others as in similar circumstances we would have them do to us, and the path of duty will be clear before him.
William Wilberforce

Of all things, guard against neglecting God in the secret place of prayer.
William Wilberforce

I think we can learn a lot from the gentleman.  He was persistent and after many years his persistence paid off.  England did not go to a war over slavery like America did.  Little by little they would, with legislation, work to abolish the practice, bit by bit.    Slavery was abolished in England long before the civil war in America.  We should have learned something from watching what was at that time the strongest empire in the world and learned from it. 

We need men and women with the faith and perseverance to hold strong in the face of adversity to run for office here in America.   People who can bring our country back to greatness and help it stay there.  Do you know anyone like that?

For the animal lover in all of us, William Wilberforce is the founder of the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.  In America it goes by the acronym of ASPCA.