Saturday, May 25, 2013

Trying too hard?



Somewhere in time, this week, I started a new job.  I have been excited about change and worried at the same time.  I want to do a good job and be a blessing wherever I go.  When I heard Amy Grant’s new song, I determined she must know me.  The main chorus says “Don’t Try so Hard.”

I try hard all the time and I always seek to do my best at everything I try.  Many times I frustrate myself when my best isn’t as good as I’d like it to be.  I try too hard.

I call it the Martha syndrome.  In the story of Martha, she is working hard preparing food. She is making sure her guest Jesus is comfortable. Her sister Mary is sitting at His feet waiting to be taught.  I always identify with Martha.  It always feels better to be doing, but doing is not always better. 

But Jesus stops her and says, “”Martha, Martha you are worried and troubled about many things.” Luke 10:41

I worry over things that don’t matter all the time.  I just need to be reminded once in a while to back off, calm down and just do my best.

Don’t try so hard

God Gives you grace and you can’t earn it.

Don’t think you’re not worth it.

Because you are.

I have decided to focus on a verse this week, to help me calm down. Philippians 4:13 “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” 

It has helped. When I start to worry and stress over my new responsibilities, I remind myself to calm down. I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.




Amy Grant - Don't Try So Hard ft. James Taylor (Official Lyric Video) from amy-grant on GodTube.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Salvation is Calling


 Somewhere in time, September 27, 1805, George Mueller was born. George Mueller wasn’t the type of child we would have expected much from. When his mother lay dying, he was out drinking. He was arrested and put in prison when he was sixteen. In prison he made friends with others who were worse than him.  His father bailed him out and sent him to school in a different city. Maybe a change of scenery would do him good. It didn’t. He continued on, only to get into more trouble.

The change for George Mueller came in steps. The first step was attending college to become a minister. This may seem an unusual choice for someone who had no spiritual aspirations, but I believe Mueller’s family thought it might give him a good living and maybe even a desire to live differently. It worked in a weird way. The school was extremely secular and many of the students studying for the ministry were not called by God, but a few of them were. These students invited George Mueller to a bible study this began his transformation. He now knew that faith was real and God was the one he needed to serve. His life began to change.

He left for England, perhaps there they would not remember this little liar and thief and his faith would have a chance to take off. He went to England to begin his ministry, but he got sick. While he was sick he was cared for by a man whose faith really rattled George’s image of faith. George would watch him pray and it changed him. Prayers were formal and uttered with design and decorum. Not so with this man. He would fall on his knees and cry out to God with his whole heart. George was introduced to a new doctrine, one not taught in Seminary, the doctrine of Grace. This changed his life.

Ephesians 2:8 (NIV) “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith – and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.”

We can do the best we can, but nothing we can do will earn us a place in heaven. We are saved by grace. It is a free gift from God. For George Mueller, this concept revolutionized his life. He was able to serve God with his whole heart. God paid the price for his salvation.

 In addition to pastoring his church, he founded other ministries and one of these was an outreach to orphaned and abandoned children. His work with the orphans gained him the most attention on his life and the strength of this faith. George Mueller died on March 10, 1898 at the age of 92. In his life time, he took care of 10,024 children. When he died, tens of thousands attended his funeral.

If there is someone in your life you are praying for, just remember George Mueller.  I’m sure there were times when his family was praying and it seemed hopeless.  Their prayers were answered probably beyond their expectations.  If you’re praying, don’t give up, salvation is calling.


Third Day - Lift Up Your Face (Official Music Video) from third-day on GodTube.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

For Mom



Somewhere in time, tomorrow, we celebrate Mother’s day. I don’t have children so I spend mother’s day with my mom.  I have been thinking back of some of the lessons I learned from my mother.  The childhood of my mother was difficult and at times she didn’t feel wanted or loved.  She chose to make sure her children never felt that way.

My mother taught me how to cook.  I’m proof that if you don’t use it you lose it.  While I was taught how to cook, my best dishes are sandwiches.

My mother taught me how to sew.  I used to make some of my own clothes but now I just buy what fits as long as it’s on sale.

My mother taught me when life knocks you down, you get back up again.  She wanted me to be strong because she knew firsthand the world can be hard at times.

My mother taught me to love my family. Family is connected through thick and thin and all the trials of life.

My mother taught me to care for those less fortunate and count my blessings.

The most important thing my mother taught me was to love the Lord with all my heart, mind and body. This is the lesson that helped me realize even if I don’t cook or sew, it’s no big deal.  When life knocks me down, I can reach up to my heavenly father and He gives me the strength to stand again.

Thank you Mom for a childhood where I always felt wanted and loved.

Proverbs 31:30 “Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised.”

Happy Mother’s day Mom, I love you.   

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Hit and Run Prayer



Somewhere in time, this week, America celebrated the National Day of Prayer.  The day almost slid by without me knowing.  I used to teach at a Christian School and we celebrated this day.  This week, Thursday was work like any other day.  When I realized it was the National Day of Prayer, I felt a little sad that I hadn’t set aside a special time just to pray. 

I’m a hit and run pray-er.  I utter short prayers all the time.  God, help me fix this problem for the client.  God help this repair to not be expensive.  God be with my family.  I don’t sit down with the intent just to pray, except at night before I go to bed. So this week, God gently reminded me to make time for what is most important. 

In the Bible, there are several passages where Jesus went off by himself to pray. He even gave us the Lord’s Prayer to help us get started.  Since He is our example, I’m sure prayer ranks high on His list of priorities.


I like to write my prayers at time, it helps me focus.  I haven’t even done that lately.

I feel chastised and I will carve out special time to devote to prayer.

I will probably still utter my hit and run prayers. I don’t think I could get through a day without them. 

1Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

David Phelps - Ave Maria/ The Lord's Prayer Medley from bill-and-gloria-gaither on GodTube.