Saturday, February 22, 2014

Praying For

The Impossible



Somewhere in time or everywhere in time, someone is praying for something impossible.  Our version of impossible varies from person to person, but it’s still impossible to the person uttering the prayers.

I've had my own impossible prayers from time to time. Sometimes, God answers no and that is a hard answer to get. But I have also seen Him say yes to impossible prayers as well. 

My “no” didn’t make me give up on impossible prayers, I still utter them with absolute faith they will be answered. 

This week I was reminded of the story of Abraham and Sarah.  God told Abraham he would be the father of many nations, yet he didn’t have any children.  He and his wife tried to make the prophecy come true through their own doing, so God clarified.  Abraham would be the father of many nations and Sarah would give birth to a child.  You would think the miracle would be forthcoming with such a pronouncement, but years passed and the two of them got older, but Sarah was still barren.

Angels stopped by and gave Abraham and update. They had been waiting at least twenty-five years when the angels reminded them about their miracle.  Sarah laughed when she over heard. She was old and giving birth at this stage in life was next to impossible. This is when the angel asked – is anything too hard for the Lord?

Genesis 18:14

King James Version (KJV)

14 Is any thing too hard for the Lord? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son.

As we know, Sarah did have a son. Even in her old age.  God is not restricted by our earthly bodies or our flagging spirits.

The first part of this verse has been floating through my prayers this week.   Is anything too hard for the Lord?

If you are praying for something big or something hard or something impossible.  Don’t stop.  There isn’t anything too hard for the Lord.


Saturday, February 15, 2014


I Don’t Know What to Say



Somewhere in time, today, I need to talk to someone.  It’s someone I love and that makes it harder in a way.  It’s hard to watch people you love make choices you know to be wrong.  Especially when they only consult with people who have no idea of God or how much He loves us.  I have been praying for wisdom and searching for knowledge.

Two things stand out in my mind. The first is we have problem when we believe there’s a God, but we don’t want anything to do with him in our daily lives.  This throws any compass we may have off kilter.  We have no idea of true north when God is missing from our lives. 

Here is the best analogy I can think of.  God is like a medicine we take that cures us from the disease of sin and death.  Here is the problem.  The medicine is presented; we take it, stick it up on a shelf and then go about trying to heal ourselves.  Years go by and we wonder why we’re not any better.

My other thought is that people are afraid to follow God fully because they don’t want to give God control.  What if God asks them to do something they don’t want to do? All I can say is that God only asks us to do what he created us to do.  What have we to fear?

John 3:17

King James Version (KJV)

17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.


Saturday, February 8, 2014


Good Enough



Somewhere in time, this week, I have been thinking.  That could be dangerous, because I have a crazy imagination.  I once had the idea to open a restaurant called “Just Desserts” because I wanted the tag line to be – Isn’t it time you got your just desserts.  There was one problem and that is I’m not a pastry chef. I would have to hire someone.  Now, I’m trying to figure out how to make a living doing nothing but tea sandwiches.  I do make really good sandwiches. 

But anyway, this week, I have been thinking about other religions.  I’m not an expert, but I know that most have something in common.  Most have things you have to do to prove yourself worthy.

There is something deep within use that would like to earn our own salvation.  We want to feel like we deserve it. 

I think that’s too hard. No matter how hard I try, I’ll never be good enough for heaven.

Romans 10:9

New King James Version (NKJV)

that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.

Being a Christian has nothing to do with me.  It’s not how many times I pray, even though prayer is a good thing.  It’s not about giving to the poor, even though I would recommend it if you can.  It’s not about being nice, or doing good deeds. It’s about accepting a free gift.  Salvation is a gift that is free to me and you and everyone else. Jesus gave His life to allow me this opportunity.

I did nothing to deserve salvation, but yet I have it.  I can promise that becoming a Christian can and will change your life.  You may pray more often. You may give more freely and you might become a better person. But none of this brings salvation.  Only the sacrifice of Christ brings salvation. 

Since I know I will never be good enough on my own. I’m relieved to know that God takes me just as I am.

Casting Crowns - All You've Ever Wanted (Official Lyric Video) from casting-crowns on GodTube.

Saturday, February 1, 2014


In the eye of the beholder



Somewhere in time, this week, I have been people watching.  At times, what I observed has broken my heart.  I have noticed people who aren’t proud of their age, their shape or even their gender. When I see this, I realize there are two things going on. The first problem is we think God made a mistake and second, we live in a culture that tries to fit each of us into some predetermined mold. 

I hope to set us free.  First, God doesn’t make mistakes.  God made you unique; you aren’t supposed to look like anybody else.  God didn’t make each of us from the same mold, so why are we trying to fit into one now. 

Psalm 139:14

King James Version (KJV)

14 I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

If you ever wonder where I get my ideas – well usually, I’m preaching to the mirror.

When I was younger, I was very thin. People used to make jokes about me running around in the shower to get wet.  Even then, when I looked at myself, I saw imperfections.  I thought God needed to make me taller. He needed to give me a flat stomach, not a little pooch.  I needed my hair to be light blond and on and on it goes.  Was there anything wrong with me – not really.  I was a hand crafted original and I didn’t even know it.  

Somewhere along the way we lost sight of what beauty really is.  We let media determine what is beautiful.  What we see in magazines or on TV is someone’s idea of beauty.  If you have done something worthy of a magazine cover, but they don’t think you are perfect enough, they will retouch your picture and take away your wrinkles and scars. They may even make extra weight is miraculously disappear. 

Why is this necessary?  Wrinkles and scars are evidence of life. Wrinkles can be proof of wisdom earned from years of living.  Scars are proof of trials overcome.   Extra weight, in many cases, can be a sign of plenty and a sign of good times.  Why do we shy away from such things? Why don’t we showcase and celebrate this?  I don’t understand.

To God, the physical things, height, weight, skin color are not as important as the points of character we display.  He doesn’t even care if we are brilliant, or if we struggle.  He cares that we are honest and we display integrity in everything we do. He wants us show compassion to the needy, strength to the week and love to the hopeless.  God standards are what we should strive for.

If we really think about it, God is the one we need to get approval from and He loved us enough to die for us.  We really are something special.

Britt Nicole - Gold (Official Music Video) from britt-nicole on GodTube.