Saturday, September 28, 2013

Refromers Series #4

John Calvin



Somewhere in time, July 10th 1509, John Calvin was born in Noyon France.  His father wanted him to be a Lawyer, but John had other ideas.  Not wanting to disrespect his father, he did go to law school, but upon his father’s death, he changed to a seminary.

Calvin had a few ideas for making the church better. If you have ever taken a vote in church, that is a Calvin idea.  If your church has a board you can thank Calvin.  He wanted the church to have a series of checks and balances to keep one group from getting too much power.  It was a good idea and it influenced a many Christians that followed.  The Presbyterian denomination can trace its roots back to Calvin.

The belief of Calvin can be summed up in the acronym T.U.L.I.P.

T – Total depravity -  The belief we are all born into sin.

U – Unconditional election – The belief we were chosen by God.

L – Limited atonement – The belief that only those chosen by God have forgiveness of sin.

I – Irresistible Grace – This is the knowledge that our salvation comes from the grace of God and Him alone.

P – Perseverance of the Saints – Who God has saved he is able to keep.

In America, many of our founding fathers were Puritans and some held to the beliefs of Calvin.  I read some writings where they hoped they were one of the elect, one of the chosen.  They weren’t sure if salvation was guaranteed.  The idea that God chose us and only the ones he chose have salvation. This is where I struggle with the idea of predestination and the idea of limited atonement.  

Is salvation only available for the people God choses? I've decided that it doesn’t matter, if God chooses me, or I have chosen Him.  What matters is that a connection was made.  

But this is what I believe.

Romans 10:9 “that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”


John 3:16-17 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.”


Rich Mullins - Creed (Credo) from objektivonemusic on GodTube.

Saturday, September 21, 2013


To Show Thyself Approved



Somewhere in time, last Saturday, I had to take a test.  I have taken several tests over the last few years.  I tend to take college courses sporadically and each one requires a test.  This test was a little different. The company I work for appreciates when their employees are certified in certain things. They even offered a small increase in salary for passing the test.  If I failed, I would have to pay for the cost of the test. For this reason, it was a little nerve wracking.

One good thing did come out of this, it caused me to think of how I study the Bible. Did I study as hard? Did I worry as much over learning the content?  I compared my study habits for both.  To study for the test, I read a textbook.  I read the Bible also, so in that way, my studying is the same.  For this test, I joined a study group and listened to teacher recap what was read.  In the same way, I listen to the Pastor discuss the Bible.  I felt the only difference was being tested on this material.  There is no high powered test to check my knowledge of the Bible.

2 Timothy 2:15

King James Version (KJV)

15 Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

After thinking and praying about this for a few days, I realized that we are tested every day on our knowledge of God and the Bible.  Other people watch us to lean about Christianity.  Every choice we make is a quiz.  It can either draw us closer to God, or pull us away from him.  I may not have to pay back my company for failing, but I pay with my life choices. This is the most expensive test of all when I think about it.  My ability to convey the things of God can lead another person to the saving grace of God. Ultimately, this is the highest grade I can receive.   

In case you are wondering, I did pass the other (not as important) test.  I’m still studying God’s word and probably always will until He calls me home for a final exam.

Jamie Grace - Beautiful Day (Lyric Video) from jamie-grace on GodTube.

Friday, September 13, 2013

Who Needs Little Sisters

A Short Story



Somewhere in time, tomorrow, I have to take a test.  Since I have been studying, I decided to do something different with my blog.  I have written a short story about another of my sisters and I will share it with this week’s blog.  I hope you find it fun to read as I found it fun to write.


“I’m going to have another baby.”  The announcement didn’t really catch me by surprise.  There were several children in my family, more than enough to go around, but this announcement was special to me.  My parents had divorced and my brothers and sisters were separated. Some lived with my father and some with my mother.  My mother had since remarried and this news was a product of that union. I lived with my mother in sunny California with two of my brothers.  I wanted a little sister to even the odds.  I needed someone to side with me when my older brother and I were gathering supporters for our way of thinking.  He could always count on our little brother, so I needed a little sister to take my side of things.        

When my little sister was born, I had reached the advanced age of eleven.  She was perfect.  She had red hair. Not strawberry blonde, but red and the prettiest blue eyes.  Her name was Heidi. It was love at first sight.  I was at the age when I was too old to play with dolls, but secretly still wanted to.  Changing her cloths five or six times a day never seemed to bother her.  When I smiled at her or sang to her, she would smile back at me.  I knew then, I needed a little sister to play with.

As she grew, she was still my baby doll.  I took home economics classes in Junior High and learned I loved to sew.  I would make Holly Hobby outfits for my little sister.  These always had a bonnet and a pinafore.  My mother would bring her to school in the outfits I made so I could receive a grade.  It was so much fun. Not only did I get a perfect score on every outfit, the other girls in the class enjoyed playing with my perfect little sister.  I knew then, I needed a little sister to show off.

One day, life changed.  My perfect little sister learned how to talk.  I believe that God has a sense of humor.  As a child, I was very quiet and very shy.  I preferred to stick my nose into a book.  My little sister was the exact opposite.  She enjoyed attention and enjoyed embarrassing me when she could.  One of her favorite things to do was to wait until we were in a very public place.  She would then look up to me with the most adoring look she could muster and call me mommy.  She seemed to have a knack for knowing when enough older women were around to look shocked at someone so young being a parent.  Embarrassed, I would try to remind her I wasn’t her mother.  That seemed to make the audience she was performing for more upset. She was unfazed by the audience or my discomfort.  If I blushed, she would grin ear to ear. I knew then, I needed my little sister to go shopping with our mother, instead of me.

One day, coming home from a church event, I invited some friends in.  I had made it High School by this point and was making a few new friends.  I escorted my friends, including a nice looking young man, out into the backyard to show them my rabbits, or so I thought.  Instead what we found was my little sister waiting for us.  She had taken a bra out of my underwear drawer.  She wore it on the outside her shirt and stuffed it with socks.  She was standing there proud as a peacock waiting for everyone to see.  I turned several shades of red and looked around, but couldn’t find a rock large enough to crawl under. I knew then, I needed my little sister go play with her own friends.

My mother called me at home one day, just as I was preparing to go somewhere with a friend of mine.  She wanted to know if we could go to the school and pick up Heidi. My mother was on her way home, but she would be later than expected.  My plans weren’t fixed, so my friend and I drove over to the school.  I walked into the office and told them I was there to pick up Heidi.  I could see Heidi over by the receptionist’s desk.  The office staff looked at her and said, “Heidi, your sister is here to pick you up.”  Heidi looked at them as straight faced as you please and denied knowing me.

I stood there dumbfounded.  How do I prove I’m her sister?  I have a driver’s license, but we have different last names.  I’m very short and blond and she is tall for her age with flaming red hair.  The office staff was equally stuck.  My mother had called, they knew Heidi’s sister was coming, but who was I?  I stood there for a moment, pleading with a six year old to tell the nice ladies who I was so we could go home, but she refused.  After a few minutes, the door opened and in walked my friend.  Heidi immediately called out his name and ran to him.  The ladies in the office laughed and I was able to take my challenging little sister home. I knew then, I needed my little sister to learn when teasing was no fun.

About a year later, I had come home from a date one night. My mother was patiently waiting up for me by dozing on the sofa.  It was probably about eleven o’clock.  I walked in quietly and went back to the bedroom I shared with my growing little sister.  I didn’t turn on the light, so I wouldn’t disturb her, but this night something was wrong.  I smelled something burning.  I immediately began looking around, wondering where the source of the smell was coming from. When I noticed a glow coming from my little sister’s bed, I screamed.  I grabbed the blanket off the bed.  She had taken the lamp off the night stand, removed the shade and put it under the blanket with her.  I believe she did this to read a book without being caught.  Unfortunately she has fallen asleep and now the blanket had melted to the lamp as the lamp was steadily burning through the mattress.

My scream brought my mother immediately.  I had the blanket in my hand and I reached to grab the lamp.  It was then I saw how precariously placed the lamp was between her two out stretched legs.  If Heidi had moved one inch to the right or left, she would have been severely burned. My mother pulled Heidi off the mattress.  My stepfather put the burning mess outside. My mother franticly searched Heidi’s body for any sign or burn marks.  Heidi looked around, totally confused by the panic around her.  We were all thankful I came home when I did. I knew then, I needed my little sister. When she scared me to death, I knew how precious she was.  

Many years have passed.  My little sister is now a grown woman with children of her own. The funny thing about my sister is we can fight, but I will still love her.  She can embarrass me, but I will still be secretly proud of her wit.  She can make me crazy at times, but I still don’t want to change her for the world.    I know now, I need my little sister.  She is one of my closest and best friends.


MercyMe - Beautiful [Official Music Video] from mercymemusic on GodTube.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Perfect Older Brother




Somewhere in time, this week, I heard a comedian named Michael Jr. joke about Jesus’s little brother.  Michael Jr. is funny, but it made me think about having a perfect older brother.  I have an older brother.  He’s my mother’s favorite child.  At least that is what I tell her when I see her. She likes to explain how she loves all her children the same, but there is something special about a first born.

My brother is a talented singer and song writer. My choir teacher kept waiting for me to birth a talent like his, but it wasn’t meant to be. My talent in High School was Home Economics. 

He has an interesting sense of humor.  If making fun of the unique shape of my nose was any indication. 

He is also kind and a good friend.

I did pick out his wife for him.  He will deny it, but I told him to find out about the pretty red head in the gray sweater.  He told me to mind my own business. A few weeks later, he introduced me to his girlfriend, the pretty red head.

So I do have an almost perfect older brother.  He is a nice man and a good father.  He loves God and his family, but James really did have a perfect older brother.

The book of James in the Bible was not written by the apostle James, but James. He was a son born to Mary and Joseph and his older brother was Jesus.

His brother was God made flesh.  I’m sure God has a sense of humor, since we were created with one.  I’m also sure he lovedsmusic. There are choirs in heaven full of angels. I’m sure James didn’t measure up when learning the Bible, but did he ever have to hear, “why can’t you be more like your brother Jesus?”

Did growing up in Jesus’s shadow make James question the deity of Jesus?  No, on the contrary, he knew it to be true. James grew up watching love and grace exemplified in the person of Jesus Christ.  He was a believer before any of the apostles came around.

James wrote one of my favorite books in the Bible.  He passed on the lessons he learned from his perfect older brother.

James 1:2-6

My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him. But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind.